Diagrams showing various concepts for game design elements.
These are usually a first port of call for getting an idea across and facilitate art and programming production.
1 Page initial concept for Circus game main UI and mechanics on iPhone.
Scroll down to view more examples.
Illustration to show how the level / puzzle selection would function. Jig-A-Pix Nintendo DS.
Level completion screen mockup for Jig-A-Pix Jigsaw game on Nintendo DS.
Diagram for the end of stage tally screen for Space Ark on XBox 360
HUD Design for Space Ark on XBox 360
Preliminary diagram for how the camera would work during gameplay (Space Ark)
Diagram for World/Stage select (Space Ark XBox 360)
One sheet diagram for Jelly Belly game mechanics, hud and adaptable screen resolutions.
Basic interface / functionality design for kids storybook colouring mode.